Selected Work




Logo, Branding, Web and Native App Design

Our founder embarked on a mission with iCitizen, a startup based in Nashville, Tennessee, to create a unified platform facilitating more efficient communication between citizens and elected officials. His role was to spearhead a complete rebrand and redesign of the iCitizen experience. This innovative platform allowed elected officials to create digital polls for their constituents, fostering direct engagement and feedback.

The heart of iCitizen's power lay in the interconnectedness of its content, forming a cohesive and immersive user experience. To convey this concept, we developed a comprehensive diagram showcasing how the various content types intertwined, regardless of the user's location within the app. This interconnected content approach was designed to deliver an engaging, educational, and addictive experience to users.

In the initial redesign of the iCitizen App, the primary goal was to re-envision the app's functionality while retaining the existing feature set for future expansion. To gain a holistic understanding of the app, we created an app architecture flow diagram, providing clarity on the depth of the app's content and its interconnections. This visual tool not only guided our design process but also served as a reference for our product and engineering teams.

Simultaneously, we undertook the rebranding of the iCitizen company and product. This rebrand aimed to inject a modern and distinct visual identity that departed from conventional political colors and messaging. As the product embarked on a new chapter, the rebrand complemented and led the way for a fresh direction, resonating with both leadership and staff.